Wednesday, July 7, 2010

3 things you love......

Tonight I was getting ready to put the kids to bed and I asked Payton to tell me 3 things he loved about me. He TOTALLY surprised me with his answers.....

1. "You take good care of us"

2. "You make me feel safe and comforted"

3. "You always teach us how to choose right from wrong"

This is what I THOUGHT he would say......

1. "You are pretty"

2. "You sing good"

3. "You always make cookies"

He taught me a huge lesson. Kids really don't need much.....just good guidance, a safe home and someone to be there when they need us the most. I am SO glad I have been able to be a stay-at-home mom for my kids and I now know that the sacrifice has been worth it.

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